
Dude, where’s my lunch?

This year, a significant change has reformed school lunches across America. New government mandates require schools to make their lunches healthier for students.Although some students are protesting, most don’t seem upset from the changes.

“I think the new lunches are fine,” said Sophomore Nina Johnson. “They’re basically the same as last year’s, just a little tweaked.”

Other students, such as Junior Caitlyn Holm, disagree heavily with the new school lunches.

“I think the new lunches are stupid,” said Holm. “They keep telling our generation to be independent and make our own choices, but they still insist on controlling what we choose to eat.”

A common misconception among students is that this new change to lunches was the school’s choice. The changes were actually caused by mandates issued by the Federal Government, and the school would’ve lost their funding for  food from the government if they didn’t abide by the new rules.

“We have to meet the requirements that they set for us otherwise we don’t get any of their money for food,” said Principal Mark Mischke. “I understand the rationale behind these mandates and I like the fact that there’s more fruits and vegetables, but I love school lunch, and I miss the soup. I’ve talked with several students about the meals, and they’ve understood for the most part. I’m sure it was disappointing for juniors and seniors to come back to find their lunches have been changed.”

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Jay Mason

I like longboarding, sweaters and other things.

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