
Wind Turbine Has Buffalo Going Green

Recycling, online papers, and turning off lights are some of the things Buffalo High School is doing to go green.  The newest project is a 115 foot tall wind turbine that will be built for them and the city of Buffalo.
“It will be enough energy to power about 200 homes as well as bring down the cost of energy for the high school,” said Laureen Bodin, Assistant Administrator of the City of Buffalo. 
 Buffalo will be the first of the 11 Minnesota Cities to get a 160 kilowatt wind turbine.  Costing about $300,000 the turbine will be financed by Clean Renewable Energy Bonds (CREBs) issued by Minnesota Municipal Power Agency (MMPA).  Studies done by Avant determined that the location by the Buffalo High School was best due to the higher amount of wind.
 The site was also picked because the City of Buffalo likes to do joint projects with schools.  MMPA’s goal for having the wind turbine built by a school is so it can be used as an educational tool. 
“It’s a great learning opportunity for all of us having a great energy source so close to the school,” said science teacher Charley Keifenheim. 
Due to some delays it is unknown when the wind turbine will be finished, but keep your eyes out for a 115 foot wind turbine harnessing the wind.
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