
Weird Ways to Study and Succeed

Forced to memorize and concentrate, the school experience makes BHS students seek out ways to study to succeed. Some students don’t study, some like flashcards, but some have very quirky methods to get the job done.

“I had a roommate in college that would kick up into a handstand and do her review work upside down,” says BHS English teacher Heather Eld.

“I go on my computer, I play Minecraft and make all the Calculus problems out of blocks, then blow them up with TNT,” says BHS sophomore Spencer Martin.

While some students go about studying in the traditional way of textbook skimming, flashcards and piles of notes, other students see it as a labor of educational torment, they find their own way to concentrate.

“In the immediate vicinity of where I study, I have to clean the room completely, it has to be clean,” says Senior Michael Swearingen.

The obsessive compulsive naturally brings itself out when its comes to hardcore studying, in an effort to be in the zone; students find themselves inventing unique study habits.

“After practice I have to shower, get clean clothes,  clean the room, and the right music, it has to be the right music (in order to study),” says Swearingen, a user of 8tracks.com’s read and write more playlist.

Music is great influence in the world of studying, helping students relax and let the their mind focus. Whether its loud or quiet, heavy metal or classical, or no music at all the choices are limitless.

“I listen to Pandora, quietly. My hair has to be up, away from my face, I listen to Frank Ticheli at the library because I get distracted anywhere else,” says Junior Annie Moore.

In the world of cramming piles of information, studying brings out the quirks and tricks to understanding the information presented. The quirks will last a lifetime, the habits we develop now will be with students for the rest of life ingrained in how we memorize and comprehend the world’s secrets.

By: Max Lemp and Anya Bluhm

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Articles written by Journalism are stories that have been written by members of the the Journalism classes at Buffalo High School. Follow The Hoofprint on Twitter to get more articles by the Journalism class

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